IBM THINKx20 Patent Posters

20 IBM Patents Posters to mark 20 years of innovation. Like the Pirelli calendars, which are sought-after design pieces, Ogilvy created an annual series of highly-designed, conceptual posters around an issue or event that is timely to IBM and captures their “moment” as they head into the coming year. This particular year, the subject was patents.

IBM was about to celebrate their 20th year as the most patented company in the world. Leading that field for two decades is an impressive feat and a measure of their continued culture of innovation. And that is really what these posters were about: an organization with a pervasive culture of research, invention and innovation. Over continents.Over cultures. Over decades. The patents are just proof of that.

Two of the 20 posters selected for production were created by art director Eddie Pak and me.

:: Clio Awards / Design / Silver
:: One Show Design / Collateral Posters Series / Merit
:: One Show Design / Craft Typography / Merit
:: One Show Interactive / Craft Typography  / Merit

:: Cannes Lions / Print and Poster / Bronze
:: London International Advertising / Posters /  Bronze